Prescreen Snapshot

The best candidate screening tool ever!

“The Prescreen Snapshot is amazing! It's super easy to use and solves two huge problems hiring: it assures candidate honesty and you get to have reference calls with candidates' bosses ... with no phone tag.”

-Scott Clawson, CEO of Culligan

  • Get Candidate Insights

    The Prescreen Snapshot gives you details about candidates' two most recent jobs that helps you identify top performers.

  • Salary History

    Look for steady growth in compensation.

  • Job hoppers

    Identify a candidate who switches jobs frequently.

  • Performance ratings by prior bosses

    Look for very good and excellent ratings.

  • Reasons they have changed jobs

    Identify if a candidate has ever been terminated for cause.

Better Hiring in 4 Steps

Get accurate & insightful info to screen candidates.





  • 1

    Send an invitation
    to a candidate

  • 2

    Candidates truthfully
    enter details of their
    two most recent jobs.

    Low performers drop out,
    saving you lots of time.

  • 3

    Get an email with
    candidate details

    Prescreen Snapshot helps
    you evaluate:
    Accurate ratings by bosses
    Reasons for changing jobs

    Phone Screen Guide: For your initial interview

  • 4

    Screen candidates to
    identify high performers

    Increase your success hiring
    High performers.

Benefits of the Prescreen Snapshot

  • Truthful Candidate Applications

    As you know too many resumes have deliberate falsehoods. To fix this, we use a truth motivator: candidates are told upfront that they will arrange reference calls with prior bosses. This inspires them to tell the truth in their application.

  • Most Valuable Candidate Insights

    Before talking with candidates, see insights about their two most recent jobs including salary history, how bosses would rate their performance, and the real reasons for changing jobs.

  • Save Hiring Time

    You can focus your time on the top candidates and save 30% in hiring time. You’re only charged for candidates that start their invitation.

  • Phone Screen Guide

    The phone screen guide makes your first interview highly successful.                      

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